Saturday, July 25, 2009


I'm in the process of making a limoncello which should be ready on 8/27. At this point it's simply mellowing out, but here's how I've put it together:

1 1/2 cup decent vodka (I used Skyy, which isn't that decent)
8 lemons
1 cup Sugar
1 cup water
A mason jar
A middling amount of upper body strength
The passage of time

1. Peel zest from 4 lemons avoiding the white pith if possible
2. Pour vodka into the mason jar and add the zest
3. Seal and label jar
4. Let sit for two weeks, shaking daily

Musical interlude…

5. Strain out and discard zest
6. Creat simple syrup by combining sugar and water in saucepan and heating until sugar dissolves
7. Let syrup cool completely
8. Squeeze remaining 4 lemons, removing seeds, and add juice to the syrup
9. Add lemon syrup to infused vodka and let it mellow for 6 weeks

Extremely long musical interlude…

10. Realize that you are too poor to afford an airplane ticket and the only way you are getting back to Italy is by closing your eyes and downing the entire mason jar in one gigantic swig OR slightly chill and take little sips out of a thimble glass like a mystical fairy

I'd imagine that, should this recipe produce something ingestible, it will make for a refreshing summer libation. I for one will be thinking fondly of my trip with Sam to Capri while I drink. Salut!